Friday, September 29, 2006

What time zone is that in?

2:30 is also CTT*

*Chinese Toothache Time = "tooth hurty"

and btw, 2:30 is the new 4:20


Sometimes I can't make it through the afternoon without a snack.

What's on the menu today?

Yeah, that's right......Lorna Doones and Diet Coke.

How ya like me now, bitches?

Talking to the Reverend

Ok. So my friend Rory (<-- link) and I chat on IM almost the entire day. It's how we've developed our friendship. And also how we've found out we seem to be fairly similar in our irks, quirks and idiosyncracies. It's always good to have a partner in crime. And although some believe I'm in love with him (Auntie! (<-- link)), I can assure you I am not. Although I have no fear in telling you, I do like Rory more than I like turtles and tiny binder clips.

So he was telling me about something he felt a particular way about, and I happened to also feel the same way. This happens often with us.

So I often tell him, "you're preachin' to the choir..."

So now, this is happening.

If you know Rory, you have to use his new nickname: The Reverend Brown

Or, if you've a mouth like a longshoreman as I do, you might want to glam it up and and address him as:

The Reverend Motherfucking Brown.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Clinical Greyness

I was eating dinner with a friend last night and went to use the loo. I was taken aback when I went into the stall and saw that the door, tiles, drywall AND the toilet were all GREY.

There is something very clinical about this grey toilet. I don't know why, but I was compelled to take a picture with my phone. And yes, I just peed, and yes, I flushed... the toilet was remarkably clean.

It both comforts and unsettles me.

I'm all about dual emotions lately. My therapist says I need to quit managing them cerebrally and just experience them. It freaks me the fuck out, but is also exhilerating.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

T minus 5 days, 3 hours

give or take an hour or two...

to what, you ask?

To the official physical separation of me and my ex. He is moving out of what used to be our home together on Sunday afternoon. Hopefully after he's gone, I'll be able to sleep better. Me, the one who can sleep just about anywhere (including the tattoo chair - yes, while being tattooed)... I have developed sleep issues due to the stress of having him around and the lack of closure around the reasons the r/s ended, etc.

I know this is not my usual fun, fluffy post - but I am apologizing I guess for not being more "here" and witty, etc. But I promise to get back on it soon - let me get past this week. I feel like fuckin' Angela Bassett, but without the slammin body:

But thanks to my blog buddies (or is that blowbuddies, no that's in SF) who have been supportive, wonderful new friends to make. You bitches rock out with your cocks out.

Much love, I'm holdin' you all down -

Monday, September 18, 2006

Relax, Bitches.

Some of you may know that I have been going through a divorce.

Don't fret.

I've found my new husband.

What do you think?

Yeah, I know. I need an ice pack for my snooch, he's so hot.

Overheard in New York

Dr. Frankenstein: I Did the Best I Could, You Insensitive Whores!

Girl #1: Yeah, I just really don't like Matthew McConaughey's arms. I mean, he's an attractive guy, but his arms are just...
Girl #2: I know what you mean, I guess... they don't match his body.
Girl #1: I was going to say I hope he gets cancer in his arms, but I didn't mean it.
Girl #2: I know.

--Columbus Circle

via >Overheard in New York, Sep 16, 2006

No, seriously, really, you must.

This shit is BANANAS! I'm crying at my desk (yes, some of you have asked, does that bitch have a real job or does she just sit around and post all day. Well the answers are yes AND yes. I do both, b/c I'm a WONDERFUL multi-tasker. So fuck you! JUDY!)

Friday, September 15, 2006


Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Muscle Love Story - SEASON FINALE

What will happen next summer? How will these two musclemen spend their long, cold winter nights? Will they have it off with each other? Will stumpy have more plastic surgery?

To be continued...

Monday, September 11, 2006

BBCS, Episode Forty-Nine

A Muscle Love Story, Part 11

Saturday, September 09, 2006

where's MY goddamn EASY button?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

BBCS, Episode Forty-Eight

BBCS, Episode Forty-Seven

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I have it on good authority...

... that the new trends in fashion this fall and beyond are:

- lemonade

- hidden crevices

- the death of details

- St Petersburg

Oh, and taxidermy has moved on. It's all about humans with animal appendages.

BBCS, Episode Forty-Six

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I wanna be this guy...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

BBCS, Episode Forty-five