What time zone is that in?
2:30 is also CTT*
*Chinese Toothache Time = "tooth hurty"
and btw, 2:30 is the new 4:20
disclaimer in lower right margin
Yeah, that's right......Lorna Doones and Diet Coke.
How ya like me now, bitches?
It both comforts and unsettles me.
I'm all about dual emotions lately. My therapist says I need to quit managing them cerebrally and just experience them. It freaks me the fuck out, but is also exhilerating.
Girl #1: Yeah, I just really don't like Matthew McConaughey's arms. I mean, he's an attractive guy, but his arms are just...
Girl #2: I know what you mean, I guess... they don't match his body.
Girl #1: I was going to say I hope he gets cancer in his arms, but I didn't mean it.
Girl #2: I know.
--Columbus Circle
- hidden crevices
- the death of details
- St Petersburg
Oh, and taxidermy has moved on. It's all about humans with animal appendages.