Monday, September 10, 2007


So last night before I watched another exciting epi of Big Brother 8, me and my brother watched tivo'd VMAs. I'm going to be real honest with you. There's no love lost on Britney for me, personally. I think she's pretty much a big idiot and have been saying ever since news broke that she was getting ready to pop out the 2nd half of irish twins (<-- link) that she won't really be making any sort of a real comeback. Not not soon. I mean, NOT EVER. Stick that bitch with a fork... she's done. But last night was such a delicious affirmation of that. Here's some pics from last night. I'm calling them pictures of "fat Britney".

Now granted, yeah - she looks a helluva lot better in that sparkly bra/panty set than I would. But, this is your comeback? Her number began with , "It's Britney, bitch!". It ended with a universal "Bitch, please!"

Now here are some photos of what IS hot...

Alicia Keys was HOT:

Rihanna was SUPER HOT:

Save the Umbrella, ella, ella, a, a, a... save the world:

And the closing number was smokey:

Even though there were some gems of hotness, this broadcast was largely still just a hot mess.

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