Thursday, January 26, 2006

I am trying so hard to be zen and let go of my ego. Unfortunately, I work in a place with LOTS of very intelligent people. With lots of EGO. Too bad intelligence is not a 1:1 positive correlation to enlightenment. Don't get me wrong - I'm not claiming to be enlightened. I'm a poser trying to effect good habits of those who are, hoping it may make my life more tranquil and calm.

So here's an example - I just went next door to speak to a person who is senior to me but not my superior. We are working on an initiative together, and she is becoming more heavily involved in my portion, as the people running that to date have not been hot, let's say. Rather tepid and ineffectual. So I was asking her a question and also bitching a bit to her about the other two, b/c I keep giving them information and they keep processing it incorrectly or not fully and then drawing incorrect and/or bad assumptions off of which they are building MAJOR strategy recommendations. UGH! So I don't want anyone coming back to me saying - "well, this is what you said!"

I'm having a hard time peeling work ethic apart from ego in this case, but I digress. Then she got all heated about a different question. I know she was not mad at me. She is projecting her anger at having to do more work and issues with her nanny and trying to buy a house onto her interaction with me. Fine - whatever - I can arm-chair psychiatrist that shit right out.

But part of me wants to look at her and say - "WTF, you dumb bitch? Do you know who I am? You don't know me... you don't know how I roll. Go see your shrink or pay me $95 for this chat."

Zen you ask?

not so much, no.


Blogger Lou said...

Offices are so dysfunctional now it's scary. It couldn't have been this nuts 20 years ago, right?

January 26, 2006 3:56 PM  
Blogger Gina Bruce said...

i think it might be a direct effect from the need to be so damned PC to everyone - so the only outlet is to be rude to people. It's offensive, but not in a legally recourseable way?!?

January 26, 2006 5:25 PM  

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