Sunday, January 01, 2006

have a wonderful next 365 days

So you know the old superstition: "however you spend new year's day is indicative of how you'll spend the coming year"? 2006 is going to be hot: sex, cleaning, organization, decorating and clean doggie beds. Oh, and looking rather cunty in my new pair of black Aspen Crocs. If you don't know what these are, I highly suggest that you find out, like right now. Stop what you're doing and click that link. No, I'm not being paid for a testimonial, and no, I'm not drinking. Imagine wearing shoes that weigh no more than a tiny zip-loc bag full of fluff. Fact: Croc's weigh, on average, less than 6 ounces. INCREDIBLE, no? Dog-walking has never been so full of fun, fashion and flair.

The highest spots of my day were:
  1. Allegedly: Now had you asked me yesterday, "how do you feel about Kathy Griffin?", I could have launched on a lengthy rant about how I HATE her. No, maybe hate is not the right word. Loathe? Despise? Who the hell knows. At any rate and at the urging of my rather funny and wonderful other brother (the other gay), I Tivo'd it and got around to watching it today. If you've not seen it, you really should invest two hours, and laugh as hard as I did when she covers Terry Shields at Brooke's wedding, a tense exchange with B.W. on The View and a bucket full of clits.
  2. Reorganization of a bookcase: my mancandy finally made use of two new cd books and liberated a few more shelves in our bookcases. I gleefully sat in the floor amidst piles of books and dust, and rearranged and decorated those shelves.


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