Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Overheard on a Train Platform in NYC

So I met a funny guy last weekend - a friend of a friend. This story is courtesy of him, who actually overheard it on the platform.

There is a girl in head-to-toe RED. Red shoes, red pants, red top, everything is red. She is RG(Red Girl)

There is a girl in head-to-toe WHITE. White shoes, white pants, white top, everything is white. She will be WG.

So WG appoaches RG. They give each other the twice-over.

WG: Ooohhhh, grrrrl. You are lookin' PHYNE!

RG: Thank you gurl. You are too. I love them D&G glasses.

WG: mmm hmmm.

RG: But let me axe you a question, gurl... What do D&G stand for?

WG: Grrrrrl - I dunno, but they wuz suspensive!


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